(Caution) It is said that there are cases of account suspension when using online. Please use offline only.

Since it is a program whose source is open to Git Hub, it is thought to be safe from malicious code and is shared.
However, please note that account suspension is the responsibility of each person using this program.
Install Diablo2 Legacy Original Version
First install Diablo2 Legacy original version.

Select the ‘SINGLE PLAYER INSTALL’ item.

Install Diablo2 Legacy Expansion Pack (LOD) version
Next, install the Diablo2 Legacy Expansion Pack version.

Patch 1.13c
Click the following link to download the 1.13c version update file.
And just run the file to install the update.

When the installation is complete, click the OK button.

MapAssist Build
Visit the GitHub of the person who developed MapAssist.
Click the Code item to copy the URL.

Launch Visual Studio 2019 and select ‘File > Clone Repository… ’ menu.

Paste the copied Git repository address and specify a local path to download.

If entered correctly, the download will be as follows.

Double-click the MapAssist.sln file in Solution Explorer.

Change the top build options to Release and x64.

Then select the ‘Build > Build MapAssist’ menu.

Run MapAssist
When the build is complete, go to the location ‘(source location)\bin\x64\Release’ and run the MapAssist.exe file.

You can find MapAssist launched from the taskbar system tray icon.
Right-click to select the Config menu.

Click the Browse button to select the Diablo2 legacy version path you have installed.

Running the game
If you run the game in offline mode, you can check the full map as follows.

Again, do not run in online mode, play in offline mode or use for educational purposes only.